Crypto Investments of the Single Parent

People choose to invest for a variety of reasons. There are a number of single parents who, for whatever reason, have still chosen not to financially invest in their retirement or to even create an emergency savings fund. When asked, many single parents will provide for a variety of reasons for which crypto investment portfolios have not been established, most commonly stating they simply do not have any money to invest. (Even with free, secure SPV wallets available for their coins)
As a single parent, it is crucial to understand and focus on the importance of establishing a investment financial portfolio that includes a variety of components, including Power of Attorney and Wills, including a living will or trust. With each day that passes without a financial investment portfolio, there are many more days, into retirement, in which money is not available.
One such statement, commonly made by single parents, is they do not have the money to invest into their retirement or into a savings plan. While this statement may be true for a few single parents for many, however, it is simply not the case. Choosing to invest as little as $5.00 can make an impact on your savings accounts and retirement plans after many years of compounded returns and interest. Because, as adults, we have been told we should invest a percentage of our incomes, many single parents, when unable to invest that percentage, simply choose not to invest at all. Making small contributions is far more important than making none.
To that line of thinking, for single parents with no option for investing in a 401 (k), considering other investment options, which allow for small monetary investments, often as little as $10, should be considered. A DRIP, known as a dividend re-investment plan, is a perfect opportunity for the single parent to invest, in small monetary increments, without a broker and associated broker fees involved. Offered by publicly traded companies, a single parent can invest as little as $10 and own stock in a company, often at a discounted rate, with dividends reinvested back into their DRIP investment portfolio plan. DRIPs, therefore, make perfect investment plans for single parents with little to no money to invest.
Another common statement among single parents who do not invest is they simply do not know how to invest. While this may be true, there are many investment resource tools which can be utilized when seeking to invest on a low budget income. Accessing investment tools on the Internet, through a reliable source, can provide a plethora of information. Caution should be used when accessing online resources to ensure advice is only obtained from credible investment sources. Utilizing your local library is also a free option to brush up on your investment knowledge with many books and periodicals available.
As with any financial change, facing the change with a positive attitude will provide for many years of stress free investing, even if only $10 a month. Investing today can provide the beginning of some financial freedom into retirement even for single parents who live on a very tight budget from day to day.