Detoxification of the Body
This is a guest post courtesy of Exit-5.
A detoxified body can cure itself from all diseases. Why do you think in the Bible it was common for people to live for hundreds of years? How old was Moses again?
There are a few programs available to us today, created by people who understand or have been inspired to understand, the formula for detoxification of the body. The formula is simple; flush the toxins out of our cells and then nurture our cells by inputting the proper nutrients. Ensuring, that the absorption of the proper nutrients is not hindered during the digestive process that takes place in the bowels. What all that simply means is that we fix our engine by simply cleaning it, and then we take care of it by providing the proper maintenance. There, even a child can understand that.
There are a few detoxification programs available to us on our planet today, the best available is produced by a company called American Botanical Pharmacy, located in Maria Del Rey, California. It was started and ran by Dr. Richard Schulze who just decided at an early age that he wanted to devote his life to studying herbs and how to use them to heal the body. This was this man's reason for incarnating here on the Earth, and he has done a very good job. His highly effective detoxification products and programs are available at his website Or by dialing 1-877-TEACHME.
It is not uncommon for someone to be on one of Dr. Schulze's detoxification programs and see a complete turnaround in 90 days. There have been occasions where people who have had all the ligaments in their knee totally destroyed, and after 90 days the knee is completely healed. Did I say completely healed? I meant to say completely healed. Cancers, migraines, bad backs, feet problems, high blood pressure, you name it, are all eliminated when we detoxify our bodies and allow the beautiful machine provided by God to do its job. Thanks for the pharmaceuticals, but we won't be needing them anymore. It's just that simple.
So why have we not heard about this? Well you just did. Seriously, the answer lies in the illusion of duality. The belief that we were taught as a child, that we have taken along with us throughout our lives up to our present is that we are all separate, and that is simply not true. Paradoxically we are all individuals. Notice the we and all in that last sentence. The mystery isn't how we are one; the mystery is how we are individuals.
Anyway, believing the illusion that we are not one, we are afraid, some of us, that if we eliminated all diseases, then we would lose some of the power we have, supposedly, over other people. We believe, some of us, that not being able to continue profiting from all the diseases out there, would be a bad thing.
They see it as there is money to be made on a diseased world. So in comes American Idol, CNN news, clear channel radio, and your morning newspaper and if this is the form of media you indulge in, you may have to wait awhile to hear the concept of how the detoxification of the body will lead to the body fixing itself. Now I am not judging the systems where we hide certain information from ourselves, because judgment is an illusion, I'm just answering the question that was posed at the beginning of this paragraph.